21st of March 2024

Good evening!

This update is going to be super fucking dry, so I'll make it quick.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A version of this post was originally uploaded to the geoWaffle Patreon.


First things first, Sonja and Rosie's route is nearly done. All I have left to write at this point is their final day porn shoot and their Move & Talk dialogue. After that I've got editing to do, and then after that their route will be finished.

As mentioned in the last update, however, their route won't actually be available the moment it's done, since I aim to have it release alongside a new, slightly revised version of Lola's route.

In theory, this should be the last update before those come out. Fingers crossed, really.


I'm just going to put it plainly: I don't want to use Patreon. Not like this, anyway.

It's clunky, it's totally out of my control, it's restrictive, and I don't even care that much about making money from it. It's just not the system that I need right now, and I don't think it's helping my audience relations very much.

All of the most recent dev log updates have been publically available. How many people never bother checking because they presume that they're paywalled...?

For that matter, how much do I even care about paywalling the builds? The more people that play them, the better. What am I, Nintendo?

This just isn't working out, and I'm trying my best to figure something else out. It would be really nice to just have a simple mailing list with an easy-to-access web archive.

I don't really have much to report on this front for now, though.

If and when I do get something sorted out, I'll let you all know.


Told you I'd make this quick.

I really do apologise for how long Sonja and Rosie's build is taking to come to fruition. I'm sort of wistfully reminiscient of back when this whole project was a lot simpler...

It's a nice memory, but you don't get anywhere by playing it safe.

I also apologise if this post was a little too short. A huge amount of random shit keeps showing up to waste as much of my time as possible, but most of it just isn't worth noting on. It's aggravating, because obviously that just hugely inflates the time I have to spend with nothing to report.

It's a lot of fucking bureaucracy, really. So much fucking bureaucracy. So much paperwork.

Anyway, hopefully this update will suffice, at least for now.

Good evening (but this time as a means of saying goodbye),
